Get started

Try to access and use it~

Install dependencies

Install mysql, new ice database to store configuration

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ice Character Set utf8mb4;

Remarks: If the ice-related table cannot be found during startup, you need to manually create the ice-related table structure. The sql address of the table structure: in new window

Install server

Download the installation package(latest v1.5.3) in new window

Unzip the tar package

tar -xzvf ice-server-*.tar.gz

Edit configuration file

  port: 8121 #Port
  datasource: #Database configuration
    url: jdbc:mysql://
    username: username
    password: password
    initialization-mode: always
  port: 18121 #port for client
#  ha: #ha config, now default zk
#    address: localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183
  pool: #Thread pool configuration (used to update the client)
    core-size: 4
    max-size: 4
    keep-alive-seconds: 60
    queue-capacity: 60000

start/stop/restart server

start up sh start

stop sh stop

reboot sh restart

Open configuration backend


Example backend reference

Deploy for testing & experience address (only app=1 has real deployed client)

http://eg.waitmoon.comopen in new window

Client access

Refer to github ice-test module

Add pom dependency

<!-- SpringBoot 3.x -->
  <version>{{ $version }}</version>

<!-- SpringBoot 2.x -->
  <version>{{ $version }}</version>

High availability additional dependencies


Add ice configuration

ice: #ice client configuration
  app: 1 #corresponds to the background configuration app
#  server: zookeeper:localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183 #server high availability configuration
  server: #server address (serverHost:serverPort)
  scan: #used to scan leaf nodes, multiple packages are separated by ',' (scan all by default, scanning all will slow down the application startup speed)
  pool: #Thread pool configuration (for concurrent relation nodes)
    parallelism: -1 #default-1,≤0 means the default configuration

Client access (non-Spring)

Add pom dependency

<!-- Non-SpringBoot -->
  <version>{{ $version }}</version>

High availability additional dependencies


Run Client

IceNioClient iceNioClient = new IceNioClient(1, "", ""); //Incoming app, server address and leaf node scan path
iceNioClient.start(); //Connect to the remote server and initialize the ice configuration
iceNioClient.destroy(); //It is best to clean up after the application is closed~

Development & Configuration

Refer to github ice-test module